Ocean Nutrition Discus Baby Balance 100 gr

Softly bounded frozen food
- especially developed for juvenile discus fish
- new and improved formulation
- high-quality proteins for healthy growth
- improved color appearance
- Manufacturer:Ocean Nutrition
- SKU:153096
Discus Balance is a premium quality, softly bounded frozen food, specially adjusted to the feeding habits of Discus. Calcium absorption in Discus depends on the available phosphorous.
This new formula is an upgraded formula of our current Discusfood and will therefore also replace the existing formula.
Discus Balance is made from only fresh, top quality ingredients like beef heart, spinach, mussels, bloodworms, fish eggs and so on.
Contains spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors and fresh garlic to improve the resistance against parasites.
Successful breeding guaranteed.
Did you know?
Calcium absorption in Discus depends on the available phosphorous.
Beef heart, spinach, mussels, bloodworms, fish eggs, garlic, spirulina. |